Warwickshire End Terrace

Having been very impressed by the quality of our work and service levels, our client, who was relocating from London simply handed us the keys and asked us to renovate his entire house! From rewiring, plastering, flooring, kitchen extension and stylish new kitchen to the bathroom. We designed, built and installed. His comments highlight the quality of our work, the importance of the service we offer and why he would recommend us… “I loved what I saw when I visited Probuild360, all the team were extremely professional and extremely nice – they were nice to deal with, that’s very important”… “Oh gosh yes I appreciated the 360-degree service! That’s what I needed. I wanted that ‘convenience’. I had a sick father at the time, I was working full-time and I was trying to do a dissertation, so it was a case of ‘I don’t have time to manage this and the detail of it – can you just do everything for me?’.  With that Tehmi was amazing, after a couple of chats with me she just got me and knew what I liked, she knew what she needed to ask me about and knew that the rest of the stuff she could just do.”… “I explained that I didn’t know what I wanted other than it finished very nicely and to a very high standard of finish. Tehmi somehow worked from that garbled message and more than delivered. [laughing] She got it!”… “The showroom showed me what they could do and how they worked. It did give me inspiration and things that I wanted to make fit my budget.”… “Would I recommend them? Oh, absolutely 100 percent. And, I’d say ‘use them!’. I’d just be honest, I think I may have paid a little bit more, but what I paid for was the quality and the finish that impresses everyone that visits the house and I paid for the service. I might have got something done a little cheaper, but it would not have been to this standard and would have been a nightmare for me to manage and I would have probably ended up arguing with that builder and going to Probuild360 anyway to resolve it! [laughing] I got value for money. I’d be saying to people ‘you get what you pay for’ and I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend them. I love what they’ve done.”

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